
Showing posts from April, 2024

The David Stay Story

  This is a story about my friend David Stay, who played the evil "Mandarr" on the children's TV show "Photon", who was also the writer, director, producer, and star of "The Sphere Of The Lycanthrope", and who had been running a successful podcast called "The David Stay Show" when we met. David passed a little over a year ago, and this is a tale about the time I accidentally, through no fault of my own, appeared on his show: I made a commercial for The David Stay Show for Facebook and I was wanting to speak to him about it. Since he was going to be getting ready for his Friday show (FriStay...), he told me to get on his Discord channel so we could talk. One thing I should tell you before we go further with this is that David is every bit as much himself in real life as when he is doing a show- like a well dressed cheetah on crack, therefore, it was a bit of work keeping him focused on the discussion that I was trying to have...and I lost trac...

The Little Boy And The Big Wind

  They say that, of all of Nature’s forces, the Hurricane is the most powerful.   “They” happen to be one of the bartenders that works at my favorite pub and a guy who has his own barstool, two down from the cash register in the corner, named “Boob”.   Don’t ask me. I have no idea.   My family always took car vacations every summer. We camped out in the Ely Minnesota State Park one summer and got run out of our camp in the middle of the night by a bear who, apparently, had a midnight craving for Corn Flakes. One year, we drove to Canada and my father almost drowned my brother by accidently smacking him on the head with a boat oar.   One summer, we drove to Delaware. My father’s aunt and uncle, Shirley and Rolf, lived there in a house right on a little inlet that emptied out into the Atlantic Ocean, and we were invited to spend two weeks there.   How fantastic was that? Sun…beaches…the Ocean…all the things IN the Ocean…that want to kill me…   Anyway, ve...

On Becoming Unbecoming by Carrie Ranworth

  I like words.   I wanted to be an English teacher.   Then….one day in English class, we came to the section in the text on diagramming sentences. I didn’t like to dangle parts of a sentence onto a hang down line. Like the adverbial phrase modifies the hoo-ha.   You know what I mean? I didn’t think it was fair for those words to hang down like outcasts so…..I decided to become something else.   They say you can become anything you want to in our country….I’m all for it! But I digress…what I wanted to talk to you about were the times I was young and my behavior was unbecoming.   That’s what my Mom called it.   “Carrie, what you are doing is unbecoming for a lady.”   Where’s the lady.   I’m just a kid! Now there’s a funny word!   Unbecoming. When we come into the world and become human, can we unbecome ourselves? What does it mean to act in a becoming way, anyhow? Is that like always going someplace and never coming back?   One d...